What Makes a Great Logistics Partner?

Let us imagine a scenario: You are a small start-up company in Nashville, the business requires importation of parts from Asia, said parts arrive at the international port of Memphis. Now, this is where it gets a little more complex. Your goods need customs clearance, and the volume is not enough for a full truckload furthermore you need some short-term warehousing due to lack of inhouse storage., add into the mix drayage from the warehouse and finally distribution of the finished product to your customers.

All of this must be pretty daunting if you consider you are probably light on workforce and even lighter on time and money.

There is a simple solution, you need the services of a great 3PL, or in long form Third Party Logistics company.

A 3PL can not only remove the administrative headache but due to their contacts and experience they will save you money …and most importantly time.

Think of them as a one-stop shop for your entire supply chain. They know their way round the docks and customs offices, they have exceptional contacts with the best trucking companies in Nashville so, if you only need a half truckload or even less, they will get you loaded. Let us not forget that thousand square feet of short-term warehousing, not a problem they will have that in their wheelhouse too. Finally, getting the shipment to you and then dispatched to your customers can be all part of the service.

Modern technology provides real time information at every step of the supply chain and all-inclusive pricing structure ensures that using a great £PL is a “no brainer”.

Of course, a 3PL is not just for small companies, if your business imports container loads from China and requires multiple truckloads and tens of thousands of warehouse square footage your logistics partner will help you plan your scaling up journey with military precision.

So, in answer to the question what makes a great logistics partner the answers are flexibility, scalability, transparency, efficiency and economy, with that in mind why wouldn’t you want to partner up?